承擔項目: 1. 山西省基礎研究計劃(面上)項目,“蹦床運動員踩網技術的理論分析與實驗研究”,2023-2025,參與; 2. 國家自然科學基金(面上)項目,“正中神經受載緻腕管綜合征的生物力學機制研究”,2020-2023,參與; 3. 山西省基礎研究計劃(面上項目),“基于微管吸吮技術的正常和骨關節炎軟骨細胞在不同力學模型下的力學特性研究”,2018-2020,主持; 4. 山西省高等學校創新項目,“微管吸吮中考慮細胞-微管相對幾何尺寸及細胞可壓縮性的單細胞力學特性研究”,2017-2019,主持; 5. 山西益和通礦山科技服務有限公司橫向項目,“礦井用鋼絲繩應力分析和疲勞壽命研究”,2019-2020,主持. 代表性論文(專著、教材): 1. Mechanical properties of chondrocytes estimated from different models of micropipette aspiration, Biophysical Journal, 2019, 116(11):2181 2194. 2. Experimental verification of the elastic formula for the aspirated length of a single cell considering the size and compressibility of cell during micropipette aspiration, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2018, 46(7):1026-1037. 3. Finite element analysis of micropipette aspiration considering finite size and compressibility of cells, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2013, 56(11):2208-2215. 4. Influences of the relative dimension of cell and micropipette and compressibility of cells on the determination of elastic properties of chondrocytes during micropipette Aspiration. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 900:279-284. 5.骨骼肌收縮的本構模型: I 被動行為. 力學進展, 2010, 52(6):1016-1021. 獲獎情況: 1. 太原理工大學青年教師教學競賽一等獎,2014; 2. 山西省本科院校青年教師教學競賽一等獎,2014; 3. 第五屆全國基礎力學青年教師講課比賽一等獎,2014. |