承擔項目: [1] 山西省基礎研究計劃項目面上項目(20210302123182),2022/01-2025/01,主持。 [2] 山西省省籌資金資助回國留學人員科研項目(2022-069),2022/08-2025/08,主持。 [3] 國家自然科學基金青年項目(31501212),2016/01-2018/12,主持。 [4] 山西省應用基礎研究項目青年項目(201601D021127),2016/07-2018/12,主持。 [5] 高等學校科技創新項目(2015142),2015/03-2017/03,主持。 代表性論文(專著、教材): [1] Yali Wu, Shuai Li, Dongguang Zhang*, et al. Convex Microarrays-Based Liquid Metal Soft Piezoresistive Stress Sensor With High Sensitivity and Large Measurement Range[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 23(9):9176-9182. [2] Xiaoting Xue, Dongguang Zhang,* Yali Wu,* et al. Segregated and Non-Settling Liquid Metal Elastomer via Jamming of Elastomeric Particles[J]. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 33, 2210553. [3] Zuodong Wang, Yali Wu*, Jiayi Yang et al. A soft gripper with contamination resistance and large friction coefcient[J]. Applied Physics A, 2022, 128: 416. [4] Yali Wu*, Zuodong Wang, Jiayi Yang, et al. Designing superhydrophobic robotic surfaces: Self-cleaning, high-grip impact, and bacterial repelling[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 629: 127444. [5] Jiapeng Wang, Yali Wu*, Dongguang Zhang, et al. Preparation of superhydrophobic flexible tubes with water and blood repellency based on template method[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2020, 126: 24. [6] Jiapeng Wang, Yali Wu*, Dongguang Zhang, et al. Preparation of superaerophilic copper mesh for underwater gas collection by combination of spraying technology and fame treatment[J]. Applied Physics A, 2020, 587: 124331. [7] Yali Wu*, Jiapeng Wang, Dongguang Zhang, et al. Preparation and characterization of superhydrophobic surface based on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)[J]. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2019, 33(17): 1-12. [8] Wu Yali*, Zhang Dongguang. Nano-indentation test and finite element simulation on astragalus samples of different direction[J]. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 2018, 27(3): 350-355. 授權專利(第一發明人): [1]一種可測彎曲應變的電阻式柔性壓力傳感器及其制備方法, 中國, ZL 202111586189.3, 2023. [2]一種用于固定果蔬藤條的柔性鎖定裝置, 中國, ZL201710161080.2, 2020. [3]一種水滴在固體表面接觸角的計算方法, 中國, ZL201711266101.3, 2020. [4]一種具有仿生結構的果蔬片穿刺裝置, 中國, ZL201611257497.0, 2019. 已轉化 [5]一種具有仿生構型的黃芪根部切片裝置, 中國, ZL201710106404.2, 2018. 已轉化 獲獎情況: [1]太原理工大學2017年青年教師基本功競賽一等獎。 [2]太原理工大學2018年本科教學優秀二等獎。 |