承擔項目: [1] 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目:動态複合加載條件下高聚物材料時溫相關失效機理研究 [2]山西省基礎研究計劃(自由探索類)面上項目:考慮各向異性率效應的航空定向有機玻璃的本構行為研究 [3] 機械結構強度與振動國家重點實驗室開放課題:動态多軸測試技術及聚合物材料率相關失效準則 代表性論文(專著、教材): [1] Effects of experimental variables on PMMA nano-indentation measurements, Polym Test 41 (2015) 1-6. [2] Sensitivity of PMMA nanoindentation measurements to strain rate, J Appl Polym Sci 132(17) (2015). [3] Investigation on the yield behavior of AZ91 magnesium alloy, J Alloy Compd 738 (2018) 79-88. [4] Effects of strain rate on PMMA failure behavior, Applied Physics A 122(1) (2015). [5] Experimental investigation on the yield loci of PA66, Polym Test 51 (2016) 148-150. [6] Investigation on the yield behaviour and macroscopic phenomenological constitutive law of PA66, Polym Test 69 (2018) 563-582. [7] Quasi-static failure behaviour of PMMA under combined shear–compression loading, Polym Test 42 (2015) 181-184. [8] Experimental study on the effects of specimen in-plane size on the mechanical behavior of aluminum hexagonal honeycombs, Materials Science and Engineering: A 635 (2015) 23-35. [9] Deformation and failure responses of TRIP590 advanced high strength steel under combined shear-tension at different loading rates, Vacuum 202 (2022) 111166. [10] Deformation responses of AZ31B magnesium alloy under combined shear-compression loading, Mater Sci Tech-lond (2022) 1-6. [11] Experimental study on the effects of hygrothermal aging on the indentation creep behaviors of PMMA, Polym Test 93 (2021) 106991. [12] Investigation on the indentation strain rate sensitivity of aged PMMA, Vacuum 185 (2021) 110026. [13] Deformation and mechanical responses of AZ31B magnesium alloy under combined shear-compression loading conditions, Materials Today Communications 31 (2022) 103551. [14] Investigation on the indentation mechanical performance of aluminum honeycombs, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 29(18) (2021) 2607-2616. [15] Combined Shear-Compression Responses of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy Based on Inclined Specimens, Exp Techniques (2022). [16] Experimental study on the fracture behavior of AZ91D magnesium alloy under complex loading, Results in Physics 16 (2020) 102917. [17] 不同預加載對聚酰胺66後繼屈服強度影響的研究, 實驗力學 4(37) (2022) 475-487. 獲獎情況: 無 |