科研成果 | 承擔項目: [1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目:側向爆炸載荷下輕質泡沫材料夾芯雙圓管結構的動态響應與吸能機理,主持; [2] 國家自然科學基金面上項目:橫向爆炸載荷下層級仿生夾芯柱殼結構的動态響應機理及設計優化,主持; [3] 國家自然科學基金重點項目:三維爆炸沖擊流固耦合數值模拟的算法與軟件,參與; [4] 山西省自然科學基金項目:柱殼結構中的非線性彌散波與波緻失效的研究,主持; [5] 山西省自然科學基金項目:泡沫鋁夾芯柱殼結構的抗爆性能與多目标優化設計,主持; [6] 橫向:金屬泡沫填充薄壁管的耐撞性研究; 代表性論文(專著、教材): [1]Liu Zhifang, Huang Zhichao, Qin Qinghua. Experimental and theoretical investigations on lateral crushing of aluminum foam-filled circular tubes[J]. Composite Structures, 2017, 175:19-27. [2]Liu Zhifang, Hao Wenqian, Qin Qinghua. Buckling and energy absorption of novel pre-folded tubes under axial impacts[J]. Applied Physics A, 2017, 123(5):351. [3]Liu Zhifang, Hao Wenqian, Xie Jiamiao, Axial-impact buckling modes and energy absorption properties of thin-walled corrugated tubes with sinusoidal patterns, Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 94:410-423. [4] Liu zhifang, Zhang tianhui, Li shiqiang, etc. Experiment and Numerical Simulation on the Dynamic Response of Foam-Filled Tubes Under Lateral Blast Loading, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2021, 34(6): 937-953 [5]Zhang Tianhui, Liu Zhifang, Li Shiqiang, etc. Dynamic response and energy absorption performance of aluminum foam-filled sandwich circular tubes under internal blast loading, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2023, 173:104458. [6]Ma Yu, Liu Zhifang, Zhang Tianhui, etc. Crushing Behavior and Energy Absorption Performance of a Novel 3D Folded Structure with Negative Poisson’s Ratio, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2023,25(10):2201769. [7]Zhang Tianhui, Liu Zhifang, Li Shiqiang, etc. Elastic-plastic response for the foam-filled sandwich circular tube under internal blast loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2024, 188: 104945. [8]張天輝,劉志芳,雷建銀,等. 内爆炸載荷下泡沫鋁夾芯圓管塑性動力響應及能量耗散機理. 力學學報, 2023, 55: 2344-2353. [9]于博麗,馮根柱,李世強,劉志芳.橫向爆炸載荷下薄壁圓管的動态響應[J].爆炸與沖擊,2019,39(10):20-28. [10]張鵬飛,劉志芳,李世強.内爆炸載荷下梯度泡沫鋁夾芯管的動态響應[J].爆炸與沖擊,2020,40(7):14-23. 獲獎情況: [1] 山西省科技二等獎(自然科學類),強動載荷作用下典型工程結構的非線性動力學行為,排名第三 [2] 山西省科技二等獎(自然科學類),薄壁構件及其複合功能材料的沖擊力學行為與波緻失效研究,排名第三 |