科研成果 |
代表性論文(專著、教材): [1] Xin Ning; Yao Zhang; Zheng Wang; Bellavista, Paolo. Robust Adaptive Control for a Class of T-S Fuzzy Nonlinear Systems with Discontinuous Multiple Uncertainties and Abruptly Changing Actuator Faults[J]. Complexity, 2020,2020: 1–16. [2]Yao Zhang; Xin Ning; Zheng Wang; Dengxiu Yu. High-Order Disturbance Observer-Based Neural Adaptive Control for Space Unmanned Systems With Stochastic and High-Dynamic Uncertainties[J]. IEEE Access, 2021,9: 77028–77043. [3] Yao Zhang; Xin Ning; Zheng Wang; Kexuan Wang; Caisheng Wei. Super-twisting disturbance observer–based fuzzy adaptive finite-time control for a class of space unmanned systems with time-varying output constraints[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering,2021,235(9): 1583–1593. [4] Xin Ning; Yao Zhang; Zheng Wang; Dengxiu Yu; Hang Guo; HanTong Mei. BLS-based adaptive fault tolerant control for a class of space unmanned systems with time-varying state constraints and input nonlinearities[J]. European Journal of Control, 2021,61: 1–12.