教研成果 |
代表性論文(專著、教材): [1] Picosecond laser fabrication of nanostructures on ITO film surface assisted by pre-deposited Au film. Applied Physics B, 2017, 123(10):251. [2] Nanostructures with good photoelectric properties fabricated by femtosecond laser and secondary sputtering on ITO films, Optial Materials, 2020, 109:110302. [3] Femtosecond laser fabrication of micro and nano-structures on CIGS/ITO bilayer films for thin-film solar cells. Materials, 2021, 14, 2413. [4] Formation of nanostructures on the surface of CIGS films by picosecond laser with different beam patterns. Photonics for Solar Energy Systems, 22-26 April, 2018, Strasbourg, France. 授權專利: [1] 一種基于Au誘導的ITO薄膜上制備周期結構的方法,ZL 201610312233.4. [2]一種用線光斑誘導制備大面積周期結構的方法,ZL 201710579434.5.