教研成果 |
承擔項目: [1]山西省基礎研究計劃青年項目氣動系數突變下覆冰導線的多模态非線性耦合舞動機制研究 2021.07-2024.06 主持. [2] 山西省高等學校科技創新項目 覆冰分裂導線的多方向/多模态間非線性耦合舞動機制研究 2021.08-2023.08 主持 [3]太原理工大學青年科學基金 氣動系數突變下覆冰導線舞動多方向/多模态間的非線性耦合作用機制研究 主持. [4]裝備預研領域重點基金 艦載系留無人機平台與纜繩系統動力學研究 2018.01-2020.12 參加 代表性論文(專著、教材): [1] Analysis of Stability and Modal Interaction for Multi-modal Coupling Galloping of Iced Transmission Lines, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2021, 102:105910. [2] The impact of interphase spacers on galloping control of three-phase iced eight-bundled transmission lines: an experimental study, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2021, 36(1):371-382. [3] Study on the influence of interphase spacers on ice shedding of three-phase iced eight-bundled transmission lines, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2020, 174:103043. [4] Wind tunnel test of the influence of an interphase spacer on the galloping control of iced eight-bundled conductors, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2018, 155:354-366. [5] Galloping behavior analysis of transmission line with thin ice accretions, Vibroengineering PROCEDIAPROCEDIA, 2018, 20:30-35.