教研成果 | 承擔項目 [1] 國家自然科學基金青年項目(52205405),2023/01-2025/12,主持. [2] 山西省基礎研究計劃(自由探索類)青年項目(20210302124653),2022/01-2024/12, 主持. [3] 山西省高等學校科技創新項目(2021L068),2021/07-2023/06, 主持. [4] 太原理工大學校基金(2022QN151),主持. [5] 國家自然科學基金面上項目(51775366),2018/01-2021/12,參與. [6] 國家自然科學基金青年項目(51805358),2019/01-2021/12,參與. 代表性論文(專著、教材): [1] 劉瑞峰, 孫曉哲, 李文輝, 等. 高頻脈沖電流改性SiC/Al 複合材料微裂紋愈合機制及組織性能研究[J]. 航空學報, 2023, 44(22): 28598. [2]劉瑞峰,仙運昌,趙瑞,等. 钛合金/不鏽鋼複合闆的放電等離子燒結技術制備及其性能[J]. 材料研究學報, 2023, 37(8): 581-589. [3] 微/納B4C增強6061Al複合材料微觀結構及力學性能, 複合材料學報,2021, 38: 3394-3401. [4] Synthesis of nano- to micrometer-sized B4C particle-reinforced aluminum matrix composites via powder metallurgy and subsequent heat treatment, 2021, 28: 2295-2306. [5] Comparative study of recrystallization behaviour and nanoindentation properties of micro-/nano-bimodal size B4C particle-reinforced aluminium matrix composites under T6 and electropulsing treatment, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 788: 1056-1065. [6] Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of micro-/nano-bimodal size B4C particles reinforced aluminum matrix composites prepared by SPS followed by HER, Vacuum, 2018, 151: 39-50. [7] Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of B4C/6061Al Nanocomposites Fabricated by Advanced Powder Metallurgy, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2018, 20(7): 1701133. [8] Densification of pure magnesium by spark plasma sintering-discussion of sintering mechanism, Advanced Powder Technology, 2019, 30: 2649-2658. [9] Hot Deformation and Processing Maps of B4C/6061Al Nanocomposites Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019, 28: 6287-6297. 授權專利: [1] 一種鐵基耐磨材料的混合成型方法, 2024-01-02, 中國,ZL202110039090.5.(已轉化). [2] 一種層狀異構鋼及其電弧增材制造系統和方法, 2024-02-01, 中國,ZL 202210612425.2. [3] 一種層狀梯度SiC陶瓷增強鐵基耐磨材料及其制備方法, 2022-08-04,中國,ZL202210699626.0. [4] 一種钛合金/不鏽鋼複合闆材及其制備方法,2022-06-29,中國,ZL202210549354.6. [5] 一種空間網格狀陶瓷/金屬耐磨材料的制備方法,2022-06-28,中國,ZL202210039089.2.(已轉化) [6] 一種核動力反應堆用的鋁基複合屏蔽材料的制備方法,2021-10-16,中國,ZL201718006841.8.(國防專利). [7] 一種用于反應堆輻射屏蔽中子和γ射線的可移動吸收闆的制備方法,2020-11-27,中國,ZL 201718004037.6. (國防專利). [8] 一種增強型AlCoCrFeNi2高熵合金基中子吸收材料的制備方法及應用,2015-10-21,中國,ZL201810543343.0. 獲獎情況: [1] 山西省五小競賽優秀成果一等獎. |